National Report on the existing support services for labour exploitation of victims of human trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence
Animus Association Foundation developed a National Report on the existing support services for labour exploitation of victims of human trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence coming from third countries. The report was developed within the TOLERANT project (AMIF/821655).
The conclusions of the Report show that Bulgaria is still a transit country for refugees and asylum seekers as the majority of them prefer to continue on with their journey to other European states. In addition, there exists large disproportions in the number of men and women – only about 1/6 of those arriving in Bulgaria are women. Last but not least, there is not one single woman among the migrant flow who is officially identified as a victims of trafficking in human beings.
The report makes a number of recommendations among which improved identification of vulnerabilities to trafficking, holistic state policies for integration, improved cooperation among all stakeholders, a detailed methodology for integration, etc.
The whole report is available in Bulgarian and in English and is published on Animus Association Foundation’s website.