The Institute for Social Activities and Practices (SAPI) and Animus Association Foundation are currently implementing a European-funded project called BODROZI.
Main objective is to improve the response of child protection bodies in Bulgaria in cases of domestic violence where children are involved as victims or witnesses. Specific objectives of the project include: introducing a child-centered approach at all stages of child protection and support; improving the cooperation of the relevant child protection authorities via mutual learning; improving the capacity to recognize, detect and address the domestic violence; further developing and strengthening 3 child advocacy centers Zona ZaKrila in Bulgaria and model dissemination in the country. The target group of the project includes practitioners and first contact points in the police and child protection units who work directly with children victims / witnesses of domestic violence; staff of Zona ZaKrila centers; social service providers; children victims/witnesses of domestic violence.
Expected results:
- Improved child-centered response to child victims/witnesses of domestic violence through strengthened capacity and coordination between police and child protection professionals
- Increased child protection systems specialist support for child victims/witnesses of domestic violence using a child-centered approach
- Improved specialized services to address better the needs of children victims/witnesses of domestic violence
The project will contribute to the improvement of work practices on cases of child victims of witnesses of domestic violence as well as to the implementation of a number of regulations on children’s rights according to EU law. It will also affect and successfully put into practice the current EU priority on the application of the integrated child protection systems in Member States.
The international Barnahus standards which are recognized as a good practice and are adapted to the national context and applied via the three Zona ZaKrila Centers in Bulgaria, will be disseminated throughout the country as a model of work.
BODROZI will unite the support of a number of institutions already at the application stage – the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the ASA, UNICEF-Bulgaria and the municipalities of Shumen and Montana. It envisages active work with the institutions for consulting and approval of a number of training materials on the project and further training of more than 1000 specialists throughout the country. It is also envisaged to consolidate national experience and good practice in dealing with cases of child victims / witnesses of domestic violence – such as the Centers for Advocacy and Protection for Child Victims of Violence “Zone of the Wing”, to be incorporated into the training materials and disseminated accordingly. the country. As a result, the practice of working with child victims or witnesses of domestic violence will be improved.
This publication was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC 2014-2020).The content of this publication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.