Call for Launch of Phase III of a Prevention Campaign against Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purposes of Labour Exploitation 2017
In regard to implementation of the bilateral project „Bulgarian-Swiss Joint Efforts for Providing Immediate and Unconditional Protection of Trafficked Persons and Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings” funded by the Swiss Agency on Cooperation and Development, Animus Association Foundation is inviting you to present your proposals for prevention campaign concept targeting labour exploitation and the risks of being involved in trafficking in human beings. Your proposals should also include printing materials and media communication and dissemination of the campaign.
The objective of the third consecutive campaign is:
– To raise awareness among at-risk groups about the risk of getting recruited to trafficking;
– To improve knowledge among at-risk groups about their rights (mainly labour rights abroad) and to empower them to seek their rights;
– To stimulate the seeking of jobs legally and to promote legal labour as prevention of the risk of trafficking.
– The campaign does not aim to prevent people from travelling and from looking for better lives abroad. The idea is that everyone is entitled to seek his/her happiness, but it has to be done in an informed way that does not pose risks to the individual.
The campaign targets people who do low-skilled jobs, or people who do not know their rights or how to involve institutions in their own support. Among them are:
– people who are planning to look for jobs abroad, mainly in the sectors such as agriculture, construction, tourism services, domestic services/work, industry, etc.;
– seasonal workers and;
– unemployed, low-educated people who do not speak foreign languages; and
– unemployed young people looking for opportunities abroad or travelling to students’ work visits.
Based on all described above the prevention campaign in 2017 has to be a consistent advanced continuation of 2015 and 2016 prevention campaigns and to comply with the results and findings of the evaluation of the first two stages of the campaign. It should be put into action in the period between end of May, June and July, with a special peak around the 30th of July 2017– The UN Anti-trafficking Day. This Call has to covers a concept development, creative of the visuals, printing the materials and distribution of them through different communication channels.
For the purpose of improving the impact, the concept of this campaign should be innovative and interactive, to use wider broad number of communication channels and the creative concept to assure wider reach-out of the general public, as well as the target groups. The concept should also include:
– Outdoor materials – dissemination of posters at public places (e.g. in the subway, at railway and bus stations, at busy streets in bigger cities), and indoor materials disseminated at places visited by the target group such as post stations, employment bureaus, social assistance directorates, regional police departments, etc;
– Banners on the main websites visited by the target group, and especially those visited by young people who were not reached effectively during the previous stage of the campaign. The banners will lead to the webpage of Animus Association Foundation where detailed information about the risks of human trafficking and labour exploitation and the ways to avoid them will be provided;
– A short video clip (up to 20 sec.) which to attract the people’s attention and to raise awareness on the problem of trafficking for the purpose for labour exploitation.
The budget of the campaign is around 25 000 BGN.
Special Requirements
All materials should contain information about the Hotline for Survivors of Violence run by Animus Association Foundation and information about the funding organization. All materials should also contain the logos of Animus Association Foundation and the logo of the funding organization – the Swiss Agency on Cooperation and Development.
All candidates should:
– Have proven qualification and experience to deliver the above mention services;
– To be well acquainted with the specific parameters of the service and the topic of human trafficking, as well as to have experience in developing social campaigns;
– To propose the best price quality ratio.
The deadline for the submission of campaign concept(s), implementation schedule and preliminary budget is not later than 22.05.2016
Please, address your proposals to:
Nadia Kozhouharova (Project Coordinator)
02 983 52 05
02 983 53 05