Social Services Centre for Children and Families
Center for Social Services
- § Location: Sofia 1233, Lada street № 2 § Tel 8130250 Fax 8130266 § § § Center for social services for children and families is located within the Serdika district but provides services for all residents of Sofia-city. As the Social Service Center for Children and Families have developed two services aimed at improving the welfare of children and families, including: Social Support Centre with a capacity of 120 places and Unit “Mother and Baby” with capacity for 10 people to accommodate mothers with babies. All services are provided free to users. The service is a delegated state activity and is funded by the state budget through the Capital Municipality. Since 01.12.2011. Animus Association manages CSSCF after winning a contest at the Sofia municipality.
Services provided in the CENTER OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES I) Social Support Centre (Community Service Center)
In the CSC, social services are offered for at-risk children and their families, aiming to prevent the abandonment of children in institutions or other hazardous situations that threaten their development. Within the CSC there are four main areas:
- § I. Destination: Prevention of child abandonment and reintegration; § II. Destination: Support for children victims of abuse and their families and preventing abuse; § III. Destination: Supporting children and their families to deal with problem behavior. § IV. Destination: Support for children with disabilities and their families
- Services for prevention of child abandonment
§ “pregnancy support” Group work is provided for pregnant women with pregnancy around the 16th – 20th week who are interested to develop their understanding and knowledge of issues related to the emotional and psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood, as well as to reflect the new challenges family relationships and the relationship with the child. The objective of the group: Achieve emotional and psychological comfort during pregnancy and prepare for the upcoming motherhood. The service provides individual forms of work aimed at prevention, in terms of psycho-social support, family counseling, health advice and information concerning prenatal and postnatal care, in order to develop and enhance parenting capacity of pregnant women.
- § Prevention of abandonment of newborns at maternity hospitals Psychosocial support related to building parenting skills and basic social skills such as hygiene and order in the home, budgeting, time management and more, is available.
- § Training for good parenting The service aims to increase parental capacity in different areas depending on the age and needs of children. It takes place in the form of group work and individual counseling. Group work is aimed at mothers of children under 3 years of age who have difficulties with raising children or have an interest to develop their understanding and knowledge on topics related to child development, family dynamics, parenting and other functions. Purpose of group work is to achieve emotional and mental comfort of parenting and the development of parenting skills specific to the needs of the child.
Services, assisting in the reintegration of children placed in institutions
- In the period before integration: The objective is through psychotherapeutic and psychosocial support to children to prepare for reintegration. The family in which the child will be reintegrated, can be supported through information, counseling and psychosocial work towards enhancing parental capacity. There will be a movement to mediation and support meetings between the child and the family. In the period after integration: Provide counseling and support for children and families to facilitate adaptation to the new environment and to improve communication between family members. There is support for meeting the educational needs of the child.
Service training in independent living skills and support for successful social integration and professional development of children and young people from institutions and residential care services.
- § Preparation of needs assessment and an individual plan for developing skills for independent living. § Group work to develop skills for independent living and social integration for children leaving the institution. § Psychological counseling. § Professional counseling
Foster Care Services
- § Consulting children and adolescents to be placed in foster families Psychotherapeutic support of the child in connection with the forthcoming changes and associated feelings of uncertainty, confusion, separation from friends and staff of the institution or separation biological family and others, will be provided.
§ Consulting children and adolescents who are placed in foster families and adoptive parents
- By providing psychotherapeutic support for children rthe goal is to support their adaptation to the host family and the support in establishing a constructive relationship with the foster parents of the kids teamed toward understanding and acceptance of the current situation and future care planned for them. Foster parents receive psycho-social support in the process of raising children to increase parental capacity towards improving the relationship with the children, increasing their understanding of the behavioral and emotional characteristics of each child and planning of their care.
§ Evaluation and training of candidates for foster parents
- The assessment is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on conditions and procedures for application, selection and approval of foster care and placement of children in them. Training services combining group and individual training. Group form – This is a coaching-type training, and includes at least 4 sessions of 3 hours under a program approved by the minister of Labor and Social Policy, the Chairman of the State Agency (Port Administration) child protection and the executive director of the social support. An individual form of training is carried out in cases where it is necessary to clarify the specific needs or information concerning the case.
§ Consultation for foster parents who want to stop the placement of foster child
- The activities of this service are related to psychosocial support for parents, where there is an identified need – and for children. The mode is intense in the crisis period and when required meetings are held daily. The duration of the work depends on the case and the application of the Child Protection Department / Delinquency Department.
- Adoption Services § Consultation for children and adolescents who were adopted and their adoptive As part of the service provided psychosocial counseling based on an assessment of family dynamics in relation to the problems that occurred with the adopted child. Provided is therapeutic work with children, aimed at overcoming the trauma of abandonment and institutionalization period, supporting the adaptation of the child to a family environment and work on issues concerning trust, the ability to connect and more. Working with adoptive parents is aimed at enhancing parental capacity towards recognizing and adequately meeting the needs of children.
- § Evaluation and training of prospective adoptive parents This service combines group and individual training. Flexible forms of work make it possible to respond the fullest extent of specific questions or the need for information in the case. The training is aimed at clarifying the nature and characteristics of adoption and to familiarize participants with the legal framework and specifics. The interactive nature of the training allows the opportunity to prospective adoptive parents to go through their own experiences and develop sensitivity regarding future adopted child – its behaviors and experiences. Also it is open space to participants to discuss their attitudes concerning the approach to the child, his upbringing.
- § Consultation for people who return adopted children and adopters considering returning the children they have adopted The mode is intense in the crisis period and, when necessary meetings are held daily. This program aims to meet the serious needs of adoptive parents who have problems with their adoptive children and respond to their wish to return the adopted child.
II. SUPPORT FOR CHILD VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE AND THEIR FAMILIES 1. Supporting child victims of violence and their families: The service focuses on child abuse survivors, siblings, the parent who is not abusive may also be included in working with the parent, who is the abuser. During the service, the children who were witnesses or victims of violence can benefit from counseling and social support in the process of overcoming the psychological trauma. Parents receive support in the process of ending the violence and are consulted in the direction of positive parenting learning strategies to support children in the process of raising. 2. Services for prevention of parental alienation syndrome: The aim of the service is to support the work in case of conflict of parents, which involves the child and give indications for the development of parental alienation syndrome (PAS) 3. Preparing children for hearings in protection nurseries for interrogation: Activities within the program are related to psycho-social support for parents / relatives of the child. Activities include:
- Explaining the procedure for hearing children in a secure room. Support in preparation of Request free text indicating willingness of the legal representatives of the child, it can be heard in a safe environment.
- Producing an opinion of CSC psychologist on mental status of the child and the reasons the child be heard in a protected space. The opinion, together with the application shall be deposited with the trial or proceedings, as the case may be.
III. Support for children and their families to deal with problems of BEHAVIOR
- Socio-pedagogical and psychological counseling for children with behavioral problems and their families: This service aims to help overcome behavioral problems of children and adolescents, and prevent dropping out of school. The service also enables parents to assist them in dealing with behavioral problems of their children by building a good model to communicate with them.
2. Prevention of school dropout: Working with children, who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out of school, and their families. Activities are included here:
- § Assessment of risk of dropping out of school § Educational support to fill the educational deficits § Psychological counseling § Professional counseling § Working with parents of children at risk of dropping out of school through psychosocial support and assistance.
3. Mobile social work / services to ensure access to social resources CSC conducts mobile social group to actively seek and support to children and families in high risk communities / women at risk in pregnancy, children – victims of exploitation, permanently excluded from school children and children who are in a situation of social exclusion and their families. I. PREVENTION OF ABANDONMENT OF CHILDREN AND REINTEGRATION 1. Services for prevention of child abandonment
- § “Pregnancy support”
Group work is provided for pregnant women, with pregnancy around the 16th – 20th week, who are interested to develop their understanding and knowledge of issues related to the emotional and psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood, as well as to reflect the new challenges family relationships and the relationship with the child. The aim of the group: Achieve emotional and psychological comfort during pregnancy and prepare for the upcoming motherhood. The service provides individual forms of work aimed at prevention, in terms of psycho-social support, family counseling, health advice and information concerning prenatal and postnatal care, in order to develop and enhance parenting capacity pregnant.
- § Prevention of abandonment of newborns at maternity hospital
Available psychosocial support related to building parenting skills and basic social skills such as hygiene and order in the home, budgeting, time management and more.
- § Training for good parenting
The service aims to increase parental capacity in different areas depending on the age and needs of children. It takes place in the form of group work and individual counseling. Group work is aimed at mothers of children under 3 years of age, who have difficulties with raising children or have an interest to develop their understanding and knowledge on topics related to child development, family dynamics, parenting and other functions. The purpose of group work is to achieve emotional and mental comfort of parenting and the development of parenting skills specific to the needs of the child. 2. Services, assisting in the reintegration of children placed in institutions In the pre-integration period: the aim is, through psychotherapeutic and psychosocial support for children, to prepare for reintegration. The family in which the child will be reintegrated, can be supported through information, counseling and psychosocial work towards enhancing parental capacity. Mediation and support meetings between the child and the family are put into progress. In the after-integration period: Provide counseling and support for children and families to facilitate adaptation to the new environment and to improve communication between family members. There is support for meeting the educational needs of the child. 3. Services for training in independent living skills and support for successful social integration and professional development of children and young people from institutions and residential care services.
- § Preparation of needs assessment and an individual plan for developing skills for independent living. § Group work to develop skills for independent living and social integration for children leaving the institution. § Psychological counseling. § Professional counseling.
4. Foster Care Services
- § Consulting children and adolescents to be placed in foster families
Provide psychotherapeutic support of the child in connection with the forthcoming changes and associated feelings of uncertainty, confusion, separation from friends and staff of the institution or separation from the biological family and others.
- § Consulting children and adolescents who are placed in foster families and adoptive parents
By providing psychotherapeutic support for children, the aim is to support their adaptation to the host family and the support in establishing a constructive relationship with the foster parents of the kids teamed toward understanding and acceptance of the current situation and future care planned for them. Foster parents receive psycho-social support in the process of raising children to increase parental capacity towards improving the relationship with the children, increasing their understanding of the behavioral and emotional characteristics of each child and planning of their care.
- § Evaluation and training of candidates for foster parents.
The assessment is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on conditions and procedures for application, selection and approval of foster care and placement of children in them. Training services are combining group and individual training. Group form – This is a coaching-type training, and includes at least 4 sessions of 3 hours under a program approved by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, the Chairman of the State Agency to protect the child and the executive director of the social support. Individual form of training is carried out in cases, where it is necessary to clarify the specific needs or information concerning the case.
- § Advising foster parents who want to stop the placement of foster child
The activities of this service are related to psychosocial support for parents, where there is an identified need – and children. The mode is intense in the crisis period and, when required, meetings are held daily. The duration of the work depends on the case and the application of the DPA / DPS. 5. Adoption Services
- § Consulting children and adolescents who were adopted and their adoptive parents
As part of the service, psychosocial counseling-based on an assessment of family dynamics in relation to the problems that occurred with the adopted child-is provided. Also provided is therapeutic work with children, aimed at overcoming the trauma of abandonment and institutionalization period, supporting the adaptation of the child to a family environment and work on issues concerning trust, the ability to connect and etc. Working with adoptive parents is aimed at enhancing parental capacity towards recognizing and adequately meeting the needs of children.
- § Evaluation and training of prospective adoptive parents
` This service combines group and individual training. Flexible forms of work make it possible to respond to the greatest extent specific questions or need information in the case. The training is aimed at clarifying the nature and characteristics of adoption and to familiarize participants with the legal framework and specifics. The interactive nature of the training allows prospective adoptive parents to go through their own experiences and develop sensitivity regarding future adopted child – its behaviors and experiences. Also, it opens a space for participants to discuss their attitudes concerning the approach to the child, his upbringing.
- § Consulting parents have unadopted and adopters considering to unadopt
The mode is intense in the crisis period and when necessary, meetings are held daily. This program aims to meet the serious needs of adoptive parents who have problems with their adoptive children and respond to what they want to unadopt. II. SUPPORT FOR CHILD VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE AND THEIR FAMILIES 1. Supporting children victims of violence and their families: The service focuses on child abuse survivors, siblings, the parent who is not abusive, it may also include working with parent-abuser. During the service the children who were witnesses or victims of violence could benefit from counseling and social support in the process of overcoming the psychological trauma. Parents receive support in the process of ending the violence should be consulted in the direction of positive parenting learning strategies to support children in the process of raising.
- Services for prevention of parental alienation syndrome: The aim of the service is to support the work in case of conflict of parents, which involves the child and give indications for the development of parental alienation syndrome (PAS)
3. Preparing children for hearings in protection nurseries for interrogation: Activities within the program are related to psycho-social support for parents / relatives of the child. Activities include:
- Explaining the procedure for hearing children in a secure room. Support in preparation of Request free text indicating willingness of the legal representatives of the child, it can be heard in a safe environment.
- Producing an opinion of CSC psychologist on mental status of the child and the reasons the child be heard in a protected space. The opinion, together with the application shall be deposited with the trial or proceedings, as the case may be.
III. Support for children and their families to deal with problems of BEHAVIOR
- Socio-pedagogical and psychological counseling for children with behavioral problems and their families: This service aims to help overcome behavioral problems of children and adolescents, and prevent dropping out of school. The service also enables parents to assist them in dealing with behavioral problems of their children by building a good model to communicate with them.
2. Prevention of school dropout: Working with children, who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out of school, and their families. Activities are included here:
- § Assessment of risk of dropping out of school § Educational support to fill the educational deficits § Psychological counseling § Professional counseling § Working with parents of children at risk of dropping out of school through psychosocial support and assistance.
3. Mobile social work / services to ensure access to social resources CSC conducts mobile social group to actively seek and support to children and families in high risk communities / women at risk in pregnancy, children – victims of exploitation, permanently excluded from school children and children who are in a situation of social exclusion and their families. IV. Support for children with disabilities and their families 1. Social educational work with children with disabilities. The service is designed especially for children with mild and moderate mental retardation, sensory and motor disorders (cerebral palsy, autism, multiple disabilities, Down-syndrome, etc.) 2. Psychological support for children with disabilities. In case of need, identified children turn to counseling. Often they experience intense emotions associated with that perceived different from other kids, you might encounter difficulties in communicating with peers, which in turn could lead to withdrawal and isolation, low self-esteem, development of depressive symptoms. 3. Psycho-social support for parents of children with disabilities. Support for parents of children with disabilities is related to work on the adoption of a disease of children, difficulties in coping with daily care intense emotions that often occur in families with a disabled child as shame, guilt, helplessness, isolation from people close to them and community. 4. Musical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation with music for all children in the program is aimed at increasing confidence self-image and self-esteem through the involvement of children in creative activities where they feel successful. Through the use of music as a universal medium of expression, children are assisted in communication and it allows a safe way to express emotional states. Musical Rehabilitation is performed by the children singing songs and listening to music, learning the rhythm and harmony.
II) Mother and Baby Unit
Social service “Mother and Child” was developed based on an individual approach to each case the main objective of the work is to keep the best interest of the child. The support is aimed at developing a relationship of affection between mother and child and promoting its cultivation in a family environment. Specific activities are necessary conditions for meeting the basic needs of the mother and child psychotherapy, social, medical and legal assistance. The main effect after the service aims to prepare the mother and the child for independent living. In the course of providing the service is based on the following activities: 1. Accommodation and lodging in safety and dignity of the pregnant woman / mother and child to develop relationship between mother and child and the mother’s social competencies 2. health Care 3. nutrition 4. Developing a relationship of affection between mother and child 5. Childcare accommodated mothers 6. Social integration and adaptation to lead an independent lifestyle 7. Support relationships with loved ones 8. Developing and building social competencies Mother 9. Oriented psychotherapeutic counseling for copying emotional crisis and traumatic experiences 10. mediation
- § Respect for human rights § Protecting the right of persons not to be subjected to violence § Protecting the right of persons to receive professional and competent assistance § Gender equality § Adherence to the principles of good practice and professionalism in the field of mental health:
- § respect and dignity of the individual § compliance with privacy § informing clients about the opportunities ahead § that the right of choice to customers § individual approach to accessibility of services of service