Comprehensive Care Program for Survivors of Violence in Bulgaria


Logo_Medicor-Liechtenstein-Jul-12The overall project goal is to provide possibilities for life free of violence to children, adolescents and women victims of domestic violence, sexual violence or trafficking in human beings in Bulgaria. Specifically, the project aims at providing specialised psychosocial counselling and crisis intervention to children, adolescents and women victims of violence; facilitating the reintegration of survivors of violence through family and community work, empowerment program and pedagogical program; further strengthening the quality of the comprehensive care program provided by AAF through supervisions and debriefing seminars.

In 2015 (January to May) the project supported a large number of clients who benefitted from the full set of psycho-social services available – crisis intervention and psychotherapeutical counselling, empowerment and pedagogical program, family consultations program. The professional community and the team of Animus Association were supported through the programs for community work and methodological support, supervision and debriefing seminars.

As for the whole two-year funding period altogether 394 women, children and adolescents benefitted from the programs psycho-social support.

The provision of good-quality social programs contributes enormously to the lobbying efforts of AAF to justify the development of comprehensive standards for victims of violence. This project supports the psychological and social work of the Crisis Centre “St.Petka”.