Info day workshop on the support of Victims of Crime in Bulgaria
Many victims of Crime in Bulgaria face difficulties in finding relevant support services, even after the transposal of the EU Directive in the Bulgarian legal order.
Support services aimed at victims of crime focus on specific categories, therefore, they do not reach a wider spectrum of beneficiaries. The overall slow pace of justice administration remains a basic problem and contributes to the secondary victimisation of victims. Finally, there seem to be problems of underfunding, which reasonably affect the quality and the range of the provided support services.
All the above result from an in-depth analysis of the legal framework of the rights and protection of victims of crime and its implementation in Bulgaria, performed by Animus Association Foundation, as part of the SupportVoC project.
The results of the analysis as well as the legal framework and effective application of the EU Directive 2012/29/EU (especially of Article 8) will be presented and discussed at the “How we support victims of crime in Bulgaria” info day, organized by the Animus Association Foundation at SOHO (4 Iskar Str.) on DEC 19, 2018.
Diliana Markova and Donka Petrova will present the two main output of the project so far: Review and analysis of the Bulgarian national legal framework on the rights and protection of victims of crime and its application: contributing to an effective implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime and Recommendations for the Effective Implementation of Article 8 of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime.
SupportVoC is an EU project aiming to contribute to the promotion and protection of rights of Victims of Crime (VoC) in Spain, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
It is funded by the Justice Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union and is implemented by a Consortium of six partners consisting of University of Barcelona (UB) – Spain, leader of the project, KMOP Social Action and Innovation Centre – Greece, National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA) – Greece, Animus Association Foundation (AAF) – Bulgaria, “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center (HFC) – Cyprus, and CESIE – Italy.