Let’s Express Ourselves





Project BG06-242 “Let’s express ourselves” has as its main objective the creation of effective mechanism in seven kindergartens, for socialization and educational integration, training and adaptation to the school activity and to enhance motivation to participate in the educational process of children aged 3 to 6 years from vulnerable groups exposed to risk of social exclusion and poverty, including those of Roma and / or other ethnic groups, through work with children in a multicultural environment, including socio-psychological, educational and creative activities for working with children, partnering with the family, local communities structures of civil society and local authorities.

As a partner in Project BG06-242 “Let’s express ourselves”, “Animus Association” Foundation took over the execution of two of the planned activities:

· Working groups for sharing core competencies with the teachers from the kindergartens

· Consultative work with a psychologist for children from vulnerable groups and systematic work with their parents

During the workshops for exchange of key competencies with teachers from the kindergartens were presented and exercised various strategies for active involvement of the fathers in their children’s lives and in the activities of the kindergartens, as well as methods for assessing and supporting children victims of violence.

During the visits by psychologists from “Animus Association” Foundation in the kindergartens were conducted psychological counseling of children, their parents and relatives, as well as group sessions with children from the respective kindergartens.