
Prevention Unit
Coordinator: Marina Angelova

Prevention is working and thing ahead. In a sense, it is the ability of people to be prepared with information, knowledge and an attitude of mind that considers that consequences of their actions. Prevention presents an opportunity for self-examination of both the negative and positive aspects when making decisions and can provide alternative choices before the event occurs.

When we talk about prevention, it is necessary:
• To admit that abuse is a serious problem in the Bulgarian community.
• To have a caring attitude towards victims; not to be uncaring about what happens to women, children and adolescents who have suffered or may suffer.
• To gather strength and courage to speak openly about difficult issues such as domestic violence, sexual violence and trafficking in women.
The point of prevention is to get people to start thinking in depth and detail about violence between people as a problem in human relationships.

The violence prevention carried out by Animus Association, has several dimensions.
• It can be attributed to the general public and the aim is to acquaint people in the community with the problem. The basic message to the public is to not have an attitude of accusation toward victims of violence. The media is the most appropriate vehicle for disseminating knowledge about violence among the general public.
• Prevention also has another dimension and it has to do with the involvement of other groups, organizations and institutions in prevention, which expands the range and scope of action. This is done through increased awareness about violence and involvement of followers.
• Prevention has an even more specialized content concerning potential victims. In this respect, direct meetings with at-risk groups can be made in order to convey messages that about issues, which concern them. They are appropriate and different materials, providing information about the risks of violence and ways to cope. The national hotline for those who have suffered violence is another broad access opportunity to find necessary information and to discuss possible choices.

The basic part of prevention is focused on trafficking of women and is performed within the framework of La Strada.

Brochures and leaflets about prevention of violence
1. “Violence and its victims” – Statistics gathered by Bulgarian experts on the theme: psychologists and psychotherapists, psychiatrists, sociologists, brochures (in Bulgarian and English).
2. “Guide to Modern Girls (some ideas before you go abroad)” – informational brochure for young women from school or university.
3. “One girl tells her story” – informational booklet for poorly educated young women.
4. “Little book for a big world” – informational booklet for prostitutes.
5. “Trafficking Women. Questions and Answers” – Statistics gathered by Bulgarian experts: psychologists and psychotherapists, social workers, journalists and lawyers.
6. “Recovery Center for women, children and adolescents who are victims of violence” – Informational leaflet presenting programs and services through the center and procedures for connection.
7. The mission of Animus Association Foundation – informational leaflet presenting the mission, politic and goals of the organization.
8. “Domestic Violence” – information leaflet for potential clients and the general public.

9. “Sexual abuse” – informational leaflet for potential clients and the general public.

10. “Trafficking of women” – informational leaflet for potential clients and the general public.