Reducing youth at risk numbers

providusAntisocial behavior is consequences of ignoring some of child’s needs in one’s early childhood. The objective of the project therefore is to develop innovative methods for social work in regions of Latvia to reduce the risk situations that cause antisocial behavior. The objective of the project is to develop innovative working methods in Latvia in order to reduce the risk factors responsible for the antisocial behavior. The target group consists of 48 children who are in a risk of social isolation.

In 2015 Dimitar Germanov prepared a presentation for the final project conference in Latvia.  He presented Bulgarian practices related to some prevented measures of children’s antisocial behavior. The presentation was delivered in front of the key stakeholders and Latvian professionals responsible for policy making. It was focused on three activities of Animus Association Foundation related to prevention of children’s antisocial behavior – the Trauma Center for Children and Families, Zippy’s Friends Programme Project and Methodology for Ensuring and Monitoring Child Participation in Developing and Evaluating Child Helpline Services Project.