“Trafficked Women INtegration” (WIN)

Animus_WIN_Logo_ColourThe “Trafficked Women INtegration” (WIN) is an international project promoted by Animus Association Foundation together with FPMCI (Italy), AMIGA (Spain), ENERGHEIA (Italy) and LULE (Italy).

The general objective of the project is to improve the socio-economic integration of third country national women victims of trafficking in human beings (THB) for sexual exploitation in the host societies in the view of finding durable solutions and prevent re-trafficking. The countries directly involved in the action and which directly benefit of the outcomes are Bulgaria, Spain and Italy, but WIN has a high European relevance too, since the gained experience and knowledge will be shared at local/regional/national and EU level.

The specific objectives of the project are:

– Sharing and exchanging experiences, information and best practice on socio-economic integration of THB victims among different EU Countries (Bulgaria, Italy and Spain) and among different stakeholders, and developing transnational common guidelines to carry out the action at local level in each of the targeted territories.
– Defining, monitoring and updating Personal Integration Plan (PIPs) for 45 trafficked women. According to a victim-centred, holistic and comprehensive approach, the PIPs will be determined based on an individual assessment of trafficked women specific situation and needs from several points of view (victims’ background, skills, legal and psychological situation).
– Implementing the PIPs, aimed at increasing working opportunities and facilitating social inclusion. In order to achieve its goal, the PIPs implementation will focus on providing training courses, job placement support and educational/social services as well as psychological and legal support so as to reduce the risk of drop-out from the PIPs and more generally from the coming out from trafficking path.
– Performing awareness-raising actions about THB targeting enterprises, training and job placement providers, trade unions and professional association.
– Publishing a programmatic document for the capitalisation of project results to be presented in the final dissemination events in the targeted countries and at EU level and to be distributed through online channels and publications.


Untitled1The project is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union and will run for 2 years (October 2019 – September 2021).

The content of this leaflet represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.



WIN leaflet

WIN poster


WIN_Programmatic document for the capitalisation of the results